Why buy a calendar when Same Day Dumpsters Rental will give you one for FREE! Take advantage of our weekly calendar ready for you to use.
Download or Print Out Weekly Calendar FREE Right Here!
Why buy a calendar when Same Day Dumpsters Rental will give you one for FREE! Take advantage of our weekly calendar ready for you to use.
Download or Print Out Weekly Calendar FREE Right Here!
Take a peek at what zip-lining, recycled pop bottles and floating libraries have to do with our Fun Fact Friday Back-To-School Edition!
Happy Halloween from your friends at Same Day Dumpsters! Enjoy this FREE calendar download to keep track of the last week of October!
Skull piercing darts, arson kits and guns that shoot fire might not be on everyone’s Christmas list and may cause you to chuck them into the nearest dumpster.
Take a peek behind the emerald rainbow as we reveal the truth about St. Patrick, the luck of the Irish and shamrock shenanigans!
From sneaky shenanigans and playing banker to some goofy fairies to where they currently reside, come along as we learn forgotten truths about leprechauns!
Some of the craziest laws you have ever heard of are still active and on the books throughout the United States!
Time traveling, horses and men on fire… sounds like just another Same Day Dumpster Fun Fact Friday honoring the wildest celebrations in history!
Walter Frederick Morrison didn’t just invent the Frisbee, his cremains were molded into a series of them that were passed out to family!
You can beat the crowds and finish your big projects without constraint and with the size you need by booking a dumpster rental during the winter!
You need to know what fate awaits your avocado green refrigerator to guard against harmful exposure to gases and hazardous materials.
Whether it is burning goats, brooms stolen by witches or weird trolls that peep in your windows, every country has their own way to celebrate Christmas.
As Senator Walsh educated us on the finer points of medical staff, let’s grab a deck of playing cards and celebrate Nurse’s Week with these amazing facts!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Keep track of your cupid shuffles and card exchange parties with this calendar for the second week of February.
Get the fast facts you need to help decide what is best for your next junk removal, home renovation or construction project!