Same Day Dumpster Rental NEWS

Today’s Weekly Calendar Fun Fact:

The first Macy’s Parade was held in 1924. It was originally called the Macy’s Christmas Day Parade even though it was held on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day is right around the corner!  We come together with friends and family on this day to celebrate good tidings, health and happiness.  While the first Thanksgiving was honored out of sheer exhilaration that early settlers survived the harsh conditions and brutal winter, the day is honored by many for a wide variety of personal reasons.  A large portion of participants are simply enthralled by gorging on the delicious feast prepared for them!  In fact, 73% of adults in the U.S. claim that the best part of hosting the holiday is leftovers.

No matter where you spend the day or why you are celebrating, enjoy!

Conversation Factoid Icebreaker:  53% of people planning on attending Thanksgiving celebrations are dreading having to talk politics.

What is your favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving dinner?
Leave a comment below and let us know!

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