Same Day Dumpster Rental NEWS

Today’s Weekly Calendar Fun Fact:

Leprechauns are protected under European Law.  The EU granted heritage status to the remaining 236 leprechauns living in the protected sanctuary of Carlington Mountain.

One of the most popular folklore characters not only in Ireland but the world over, leprechauns continue to fascinate us.  Solitary creatures who make shoes, guard pots of gold and cause shenanigans, these wee creatures of historic mythology have become a star symbol for St. Patrick’s Day and the festivities surrounding it.  While we know what the modern depiction of a leprechaun is, do we know if that is actually accurate?  How much of the leprechaun’s characteristics have been forgotten by time?

On this Same Day Dumpsters Fun Fact Friday, come along on a trip through history and the essence of magic as we discover facts about leprechauns that have been forgotten!  So grab your best pair of shoes to be cobbled and dive deep into the story of our favorite Irish lads, the leprechauns!

As we enter the season of St. Patrick’s Day, have fun, be safe and celebrate gladly!  We wish you the best of luck for the coming year and always!

What is your favorite St. Patrick’s Day tradition?
Leave a comment below and let us know!

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