This Violation Against Town Codes Could Have Been Prevented If The Owner Had Rented A Dumpster and Had That Trash Hauled Away. Code Enforcement Departments for Cities and Municipalities Have To Keep A Standard for Their Neighborhoods To Keep Citizens Comfortable and Safe.
A Dumpster Rental Is A Considerably Cheaper Alternative to Paying Violation Fees or Potentially Accruing Higher Consequences. This City Has a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy When It Comes To Garbage and the Thousand Dollar Price Tag Proves It.

Many Folks Assume They Can Ignore A Citation From Their Village or Town Because What’s The Worst That Could Happen? Not Only Does Your Fine Increase Significantly, Some Towns Will Pursue Legal Action Against You That Includes a Potential Jail Sentence. Always Check With Your Village or Town Hall and Code Enforcement Officers to Find a Way to Work Out a Payment Plan or Begin Restitution in Some Capacity.