Same Day Dumpster Rental NEWS

How To Prepare For Dumpster Delivery

Renting a dumpster is incredibly easy but some folks find there are obstacles come delivery day.  This can be due to so many different variables such as uneven ground, no clearance or even weather.  A situation like this makes it harder on the dumpster driver and yourself by wasting precious rental time and potentially making it difficult to complete your project.  Follow these quick tips to ensure a successful and easy delivery of your dumpster rental!


Of course, you need to make sure that there is enough of an area for your dumpster to be placed.  If you put your dumpster next to barriers or in tight spaces and corners, it makes it hard to deliver and retrieve when you’re finished.  Make sure the area you choose is level and out in the open so it can be easily accessed from every side.  If you plan on using the hinged doors that are on many dumpsters, be sure you have ample space for the door to swing open without hitting anything or becoming jammed.

Clean the area where the dumpster is to be placed of all debris and yard waste.


An important thing to remember when accounting for dumpster space is the size of the truck delivering it.  That truck needs to be able to put the dumpster where you’d like and easily pick it up when you are finished.  Do not pick a space that a dumpster can fit but the truck that drops it off can’t.  Dumpster trucks are larger vehicles that need an abundance of space to maneuver.  Avoid corners or tight spaces.  A large, open space with clear access is best.


One thing that most renters forget about is overhanging wires.  They are so common and part of our every day life that we tend to overlook them.  These wires can create a safety hazard for your dumpster driver.  When a dumpster is dropped off, it is usually lifted in some capacity and moved onto a space.  If you have low-hanging wires above, it can make it near impossible to safely operate the truck components.  The wires could sever and become a repair hassle or, in the case of electric wires, a dangerous safety issue.

It’s the same deal with branches.  They can damage equipment and cause a huge mess.  Regardless if it’s wires or branches, make sure there is at least 22 feet of clear space above where your dumpster will be situated.


The fill lines and weight limits printed on your dumpster rental are not merely suggestions.  These are imperative lines to follow for safety reasons.  If you go above the fill line, debris can fall out and create a hazard for pedestrians and cars on roadways.  If you max over the weight limit, you could damage equipment or make it impossible to lift your dumpster safely.  Many of these guidelines are laws levied by the state regarding safe transport and protecting the public.

Violating these rules can result in a dumpster company refusing to take your load, which has you incurring extra fees.  Be sure to follow weight and height restrictions and keep your load evenly distributed in the container.  It’s better to be safe than sorry.


To find out how our dumpster rentals can help you, give us a call at 630.716.1030 or click here >>> Same Day Dumpsters!

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